Unleash Creativity

🎨 Explore the World of Art at The Point Studio's Family Art Workshops! 🌈

Welcome, families of Paradise Point! The Point Studio is excited to offer our Family Art Workshops, a perfect space where children up to 10 years old can discover their creative potential alongside their parents. These sessions are designed to ignite imagination, develop new skills, and provide a delightful escape into the world of creativity.

Dive into Diverse Artistic Adventures:

  • A Palette of Projects: From painting and drawing to sculpting and mixed media, our workshops offer a rich array of artistic experiences, ensuring there's something exciting for every young artist and their parents to enjoy together.

  • Craft and Create: Beyond traditional art, we delve into innovative crafts and eco-art, encouraging families to explore new materials and express their creativity in unique ways.

  • Fun Meets Learning: Our workshops are crafted to entertain and educate, blending playful activities with valuable artistic techniques, all guided by experienced instructors in a nurturing environment.

The Point Studio Experience:

  • Connections Through Creativity: Our studio is a community where families can meet, create, and share, fostering friendships and collaboration among parents and children.

  • Confidence on Canvas: We celebrate every artist’s creativity, offering a space where children can confidently express themselves with their parents' support, developing their artistic voice.

  • Diverse Skills for Young Minds: Focused on creativity, our workshops are designed to enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, and fine motor skills in a fun and engaging way!

Join Us for Artistic Exploration:

Our workshops run on various days and times each week, providing flexible options to accommodate your family's schedule. Whether your child is a budding artist or you’re looking for a new and enjoyable way to bond, we have something to light up both your worlds.

Ready to Book?

Don’t miss this opportunity for you and your child to explore, learn, and create together. Dive into our workshop offerings today and reserve a spot for your family’s artistic adventure. Let’s embark on a creative journey together, where imagination knows no bounds.

Contact Us to Discover More:

We're here to answer any questions and help you find the perfect workshop for your family. Join us at The Point Studio for a journey filled with creativity, laughter, and learning.

Looking forward to welcoming your young creators and their families,

Warmest regards,

Sophie and the Team at The Point Studio 🌟